Monday, 7 May 2012

David Cameron IV

Dear David

Do not buckle at the slings and arrows.  One by one they are wounding you. Just catch them.  Bundle them together.  Coolly turn them into your big bazooka. 

There is only one issue:

It’s the economy stupid.

There is only one valid opinion poll:

May 2015

You are the Queen’s Prime Minister and First Lord of the Treasury in Whitehall.  I, all of us, need to respect you.  You must lead. 

Westminster and St Stephen’s Green, like the poor, are always there.  Get yourself a handle them.

As Prime Minister you have no friends, just alliances and interests, and almost no power.  You have the power of persuasion, but it is indirect.  Your only direct power is the power of appointment.  It is the Prime Minister’s bazooka.  Use it.

Relieve Jeremy Hunt of his current office.  He can then deal properly with Leveson and the Ministerial Code.

Retire Vince “Mr Has Been” Cable.  The white paper on growth scheduled for November 2010 is now eighteen months overdue.

Appoint David Laws as Minister for Balanced Growth.  Give him ninety days to present a plan to cabinet and to parliament. 

Schedule two weeks of Growth Debate in August.  Call the Westminster claque and their “groupies” back off holiday.  To have any chance of survival, they all need you. 

Are you worried about A vote of confidence?  Tory Turkeys won’t vote for Christmas.  Nick is not going to commit suicide.  The Logger Eds have no money for an election and would not want to be in government.  Six months of the 2 Eds in power now would destroy the Labour Party forever.

Empower competent people in Whitehall and go to it.



P.S.  Keep up the good work with the Boundary Commission and with that other real politician, Alec Salmond.

P.P.S.  Think Housing.   Think Level Playing Field.  Think Octavia Hill.  Re-read what I wrote to you on  7 October last year. 

The Idea of the University - Update. 2


I had a dream.  I was asleep under a big table in a large room.  The smell was 16th century Cambridge.  There were lots of shoes. 

First Shoes     Dr Thornton, please sum up the case against Mr Holland.

Second Shoes     Thank you chairman. 

The events that occurred on the evening of 22nd November 2011 in and around the Lady Mitchell Hall lecture theatre are essentially undisputed.  Mr Owen Holland, a member of this university, led an action that prevented Mr David Willetts, a government minister, from delivering a lecture.

His action recklessly and/or intentionally impeded free speech within the Precincts of the University.

Mr Holland chose to act as leader and spokesman.  It is appropriate that he be rusticated for one term.

First Shoes   Thank you. 

Dr Mackenzie, your final statement on behalf of Mr Holland.

Third Shoes      As Dr Thornton said, the events are essentially undisputed.  However Mr Holland was perhaps more chorus leader than spokesman.

Mr Holland, and many others, held and hold principled objections to certain legislative changes.  Mr Willetts came to Cambridge on 22nd November last as a politician, a government minister and a proponent of those changes.   Robust demonstration of political views and anger is an expected and important part of democracy.  Mr Holland played his part in what he believed, and still believes, was legitimate political demonstration.

By inviting Mr Willetts to take part, at that time, in that lecture series, the University had indicated that it accepted that The Idea of the University has a political facet.

Whilst maintaining his position on the issue of principle, Mr Holland wishes me to express his regrets concerning the tactical planning and implementation of the protest that evening.   

He and his associates failed to extend courtesy and consideration to the many in the audience who had given up an evening to hear and to question Mr Willetts.   He, and his chorus, bored and alienated the audience with an overlong dirge.   

The actions were humourless, threatening and counter-productive.  Mr Holland wishes that he had written and delivered a short and witty piece on the lines of:

You are rich father Willetts, the young man ......................

If he and his colleagues had then remained silent, the audience would have laughed, and possibly applauded.   Mr Willetts would have spoken.  Questions would have been sharp.

Mr Holland has learned that skill and wit and good manners need to be added to conviction and energy.

First Shoes   Thank you.  Mr Holland, Dr Thornton has presented a convincing case and has recommended rustication for one term.

However, Dr Mackenzie, on your behalf, has raised and conceded a probably more significant point.  On 22nd November last, you acted without courtesy, consideration and commonsense.  You also failed to use the intellectual skills, the wisdom and the good humour that is required from and expected of a person of your ability at the University of Cambridge.

Mr Holland, you are rusticated for two terms, namely Lent Term and Easter Term 2012.  We look forward to seeing you in October 2012.

I woke up.  So it was only a dream.

Breakfast calls.
