Don't Legislate - Manage
So Liam Fox has gone. So just manage. Cut the ratio of top brass in the navy, army and air force to total force numbers to an average of just twice the US ratio.
Just get your head round the numbers. Britain has between three and a half and five times as many officers of general level or higher rank proportionately as does the USA.
The NHS does not need new legislation, does not need yet more mechanistic re-organisation, whether that be top down or bottom up. It needs to appoint and trust skilled managers and practise wise gardening. That involves a lot of grubbing up and recycling – every day on the ground with mud under the fingernails.
The exposure of disgraceful standards of care in some hospitals and trusts will not be cured by changing management structure, policies or targets. The cure is to replace failed or incompetent managers and staff.
The place to start is at the top. Mr Lansley is a pompous politician and an incompetent untrained manager.
Forget Legislation just Manage. Michael Gove is showing the way.
Voters in 2015 will not look at how many pages of statutes have been enacted.
And westward look |
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